“Anti-Semitism is an attack on our values, on our pluralistic democracy, and on our peaceful coexistence. The fight against hatred of Jews is a task for the whole of society. It requires more sensitivity and civil courage, more tolerance and respect. I am very happy to offer support in the role of patron the ELES action programme ‘Nie Wieder?!’.
Dr. Josef Schuster, President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany
and Patron of “Nie wieder!?”
The action programme “Nie wieder!? Gemeinsam gegen Antisemitismus & für eine plurale Gesellschaft” is a programme of the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (ELES). It supports the shared fight against anti-Semitism and for an open and pluralistic society. In pursuit of this goal, ELES and its cooperation partners will be carrying out ten, multi-day events across the country. The events in Berlin, Cologne, Dresden, Erfurt, Essen, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Munich, Potsdam, and Rostock consist of one seminar targeting the scholarship holders of all 13 federal scholarship funds for gifted students, as well as one “World Café” and an evening event aimed at civil society actors and the interested public.
The seminar makes possible a grounded, academic approach to grappling with anti-Semitism. It offers a safe space for sensitivity training and empowerment. Interested scholarship holders will be supported in learning to recognise anti-Semitism, to openly address it, and to become involved in building a society without exclusion and social marginalization. Expert inputs, workshops, and reflection rounds carried out by recognized experts, local actors, and our cooperation partners will qualify the participants to act as anti-Semitism-critical multipliers in their communities and surroundings.
The World Café and the public evening event make the results of the seminars useful to the respective urban communities, consolidating the personal, academic, civil society, and institutional networking. Digital formats such as seminars, discussions, and podcasts buttress the programme. They intensify the networking, multiply the insights gained, expand the scope of our efforts, and communicate to a broader audience the relevance of our shared fight against anti-Semitism. Our social media campaign, in which well-known public figures clearly state their opposition to anti-Semitism, generates additional awareness for the topic.
“Nie wieder!? Gemeinsam gegen Antisemitismus & für eine plurale Gesellschaft” is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Our cooperation partners are the Kompetenzzentrum für Prävention und Empowerment of the ZWST, Ofek e.V., providing information and outreach in the face of anti-Semitic violence and discrimination, and the Amadeu Antonio Stiftung.