ELES also supports students and doctoral candidates in the arts. Many of our doctoral candidates, especially, reflect upon Jewish art from an academic perspective in their research. Since its founding, the scholarship fund has also supported a number of scholarship recipients active in the visual arts and painting, as curators, musicians and composers, as writers, directors, actors and filmmakers. The cantors supported by ELES also work at the intersection of artistic praxis and Jewish tradition. The stimulation they receive in the seminars and public events inspire the current and former scholarship holders to creatively interact with their Jewish identity and with Jewish topics. Examples of this include the productions staged by the theatre director Noam Brusilovsky, the poetry of Max Czollek, documentary films by Jelena Jeremejewa, the conceptual art of Anna Schapiro and Liat Grayver and the theatre and film work of Tobias Herzberg and Jeff Wilbusch.
The programme DAGESH was launched by ELES in 2016. Its goal was to grant this productive circle of artists more public visibility, better networking, and intensive collaboration on joint projects – exhibitions, festivals, and publications. The exceptionally successful programme was spun off in 2020.
Es geht nicht darum, „jüdische Kunst“ zu produzieren, wohl aber darum, die eigene Perspektive auch und gerade im künstlerischen Schaffensprozess zu befragen.
Tobias Herzberg, Kuratoriumsmitglied DAGESH